Read About The Belize Mission Teams


Watch our Expedition Belize Video

All of the mission team members have arrived safely back in Cincinnati now. Jesus spoke to us throughout the entire mission and it's incredible how God has filled our hearts as we have emptied ourselves during this last week or so. We all feel very blessed to have heard from Him in different ways.

Although we have mixed feelings about leaving Belize, many of us are planning to come back next year. Until then, we say "adios amigos"!

Over the last several years, River Hills has developed and nurtured a deep relationship with the people of Belize. February 18-25, 2010, marks our third mission trip to this Central American country. Thank you for your continued interest and prayer for our 42 people in five mission teams. Each team has its own blog area and we hope you'll take a look at our most recent journal entries and post comments below . . .


  1. I am so very excited for all of you! God is going to do amazing things through you and for you. We are all praying. I can't wait to hear all the God stories when you return!

    Teresa Metzger

  2. This trip has been incredibly, wonderfully organized!!

  3. I can't wait to hear all there is to hear:-)!

  4. Glad you got there safe and sound. I bet your tired but this may just be the beginning. I am expecting Lana Caney to write down all of your fantastic adventures in a Belize Mission Journal - so talk her ear off!!!

  5. If Ann is there, everything will be fine!

  6. Prayed for you all tonight at our life-group! Love you JoAnn! Light and Salt!
